Anyone who knows me minimally-so is undoubtedly aware that I’m a victim of vices, and I’m not typing about the redundant ones–drugs, sheet business, explosives–or anything like that. Those never interested me much. But I’ve always been drawn to some sort of sensory stimulation through visual and auditory arts. More specifically, I’m super addicted to record albums, film movies, and professional wrestling (NOTE: not so much sports entertainment). Books are a distant fourth primarily because my favorite books tend to be ABOUT these three things, so writing is interlinked.
I am far more interested in writing than I am books.
I don’t know if these obsessions have anything to do with my being some sort of rabid, hyperactive, raccoon thing, but the excitement I get on days where I am able to just blaze through an abundant amount of these, from one to the other to the next to hopefully never the last, is such a rush. It makes this whole thing worthwhile to me, and fun! I would love for more people to have that energy and the digestive tract that I have for interests.
Everything is SO f’n accessibly digestible nowadays that I think people are just bored with liking and searching for things to like, but that’s a topic for another blog post.
We have this, like, super advanced internet thingy that makes, like, the quite very advanced internet thingy of our youth pale in-comparison. I remember, I wasn’t allowed to use it until I was 10, and even then didn’t REALLY know how to use it (specifically to “illegally” hunt down/pirate my interests) until I was 13/14. I remember waiting over an entire month to get wrestling results from magazines. I would either have to beg my mom to take me to a bookstore or supermarket that carried them (she didn’t let me watch), rip pages out, or pay some kids my lunch money to know what happened to Rey Mysterio on SmackDown.
Once I got a device that would carry internet that wasn’t from 1999 or whatever (an iPad 2 when I was 13) I really felt jipped. I remember I used to go to sleep at 11:30 and wake up at 3:30 every day in high school to watch as many movies and listen to as many albums before, during, and post-school hours. It was owed to myself to make up for lost time. So yeah, there is only so much time, but use it, abuse it, and work at it, because someday, you’ll be gone.
I know that that was all really scatterbrained but that’s kinda what it’s like to talk to me when I get got going.
Basically: Brandon really likes the things he likes, and is a vacuum for them. Every now and then you mess up dumping the insides into the garbage can, and they spill all over the floor.