Tag Archives: facade

Pieces of Herself & Façade

“Pieces of Herself”

I love the piece! Truly! It reminds me a poem:

 I Leave Bits of Me Everywhere
poem-words are my clothing, 
stripped late at night 
a trail from the threshold to the foot of bed 
along the stairs lay verbs the actions i need to climb twelve steps at 2 am 
a vowel left adjacent to toothbrush i get sloppy with tartar and allusions 
over the cornice of mirror, hangs a strand of pearly metaphors 
a simile in my sink 
a limerick needing to be laundered the clothes hamper is full of rimes & meters in want of mending 
kick off the shoes, 
make a pile of cacophony wrap myself in the plum flannel of sonnet 
hair up-tied with haiku 
find the resting place for naked poet...  
in ambiance i light a candle 
a sestina goes up in flames.

The piece is a sort of reinterpretation. They are real pieces with which you can made up and know a person.  But this time, it is not “pieces of her”, but “pieces of herself”. Find the secrets? Because you are not going to find the original “her” but create a new “her”.


You can choose from seven scenes. My favorite is the “outside”. When I grabbed a little baby in the street, the old song “When I was a little girl” rose.  I can see her childhood, she played in the yard and enjoyed sun. It is so imagery.




There is a technical problem for me, I cannot download the exe.file. But except the technical complexity, it is a very smart piece.


I cannot move in! That’s disappointing. It may be something wrong with my computer. But many players show their processes on YouTube.

They are creative but a little bit dark (lol).


This piece maximizes the interaction between elite and readers. It is very intelligent design and requests a high technical level.  It is more close to artificial intelligence, like Siri, but it is a insightful approach to produce elites.