The #Elitclass Public Project


As a final class project, my Writing Electronic Literature students will work together to identify what matters to them about the world of digital storytelling in order to define and implement a public knowledge project.  How can we move our knowledge back to the community?  In working together, the students of this course will co-create a digital artifact that will be shared on the open web, and will serve as a testament to their creativity and shared purpose.  It could be an empathy game, a locative narrative, a digital exhibit, a #netprov, an installation, an interactive story….   (??)  The way I see it, the sky is the limit….

All of my students are thinkers, civic participants, makers, and artists.  Their final project will certainly be a testament to who they are and who they are becoming.  It is up to the students of the course to imagine and execute the project that they determine will matter to all of them.  And I will be on hand to guide and support them in their collaborative journey.

The official class site for Dr. Mia Zamora’s Fall 2022 Electronic Literature course.
