Thanksgiving update

Happy Thanksgiving!

As we head towards the holiday, I want to share my gratitude for our class, and how thoughtful you have all been this semester thus far.

I am glad your were able to proceed with the Elit Workshop I designed in order to “jump-start” the process of formulating your own elit story development. Writing your own #elit piece will involve some basic steps over the remainder of our time together.  We will proceed with these steps over the course of the next few weeks, taking a bit of “workshop” time from most class meetings to work on your continual progress. 

My sincere thanks to my wonderful Graduate Assistants – Katie & Brandon – for facilitating the workshop protocol, and getting you thinking about the work ahead in the next few weeks. We will continue with this process next week after the holiday.

The steps you might take for creating your own #elit piece will be iterative. That means you will be on one step, and then you will discover that you might have to loop back and forth between the steps as you proceed in designing and implementing your creative vision.  The creative process is rarely linear.  That said, here are some basic steps:

  1. Research your topic or idea so you are clear on the presentation of your concept.
  2. Write a script, a storyboard, and/or a timeline for your story.
  3. Collect and curate the required multimedia parts — text, images, audio, video, oral history, interviews, selfies, and digital tools applications.
  4. Start to construct the narrative using selected digital tools.  This construction effort will be guided by your storyboard concepts, outline, and timeline.

Slides from our Workshop (11/17/22):

Your to-do list:

  1. Please remember that this is “Blog Catch-Up Week”. That means that if you have missed a week of blogging along the way this semester, you can take this week as an opportunity to catch-up, by writing about selections from a week that you skipped earlier. The blog catch-up content would reflect the selection(s) from the week that you missed before. All students are invited to submit one blog for “a catch-up” on their overall blog tally.
  2. As per our in-class workshop on 11/17 – Please remember to submit your initial concept for your final elit project in this document (see your name included at the bottom of the document). I will be reading everybody’s ideas in time for our next meeting on 12/1.
  3. For our next meeting on 12/1, we will be discussing Edna’s selection: Bastardo, and Brittney’s selection Exposed. You should have already completed your blogs on these selections a few weeks ago (their presentations were postponed). We will discuss digital tools and storyboarding a bit in the final part of class.
  4. Your blog posts for the remaining classes this semester will be “progress reports” on the development of your final elit project. But as I stated above, this week you have the chance to write a “catch-up” post. **If you have not dropped a single blog post, then you have the week off.
Enjoy the time off and a treat!

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